Gale West


come dance with me



Money Come Dance With Me

Healing Our Money Relationship

Do you truly know your relationship with money? Gale West, the author of “Money: Come Dance With Me“, states that most people have a deeply unhappy, dysfunctional relationship with money. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of money in the bank or a little; if your relationship is fraught with fear, anger, greed or grabbing instead of a sense of peace, you will always struggle, either financially and/or emotionally. 

When it comes to money, everyone has a complex, intimate association with this powerful and necessary component of our lives. Your relationship with money runs on two fundamental factors: one is the messages you received during childhood about money and your value. The other is the resulting beliefs you carry into adulthood and their ripping effect on multiple aspects of your life.

Dancing with Money as a Guide and Friend

West states that each person is capable of having a loving, caring relationship with money in its pure form. Since most of our attitudes  about money comes from our ancestral and individual money wounds, healing those wounds is an essential first step to support that relationship. West’s extensive experience in Internal Family Systems (IFS), deftly guides the reader throughout the book with “dance steps” designed to support  healing and transformation. 

Money Come Dance With Me” is a book that will guide you to dance  with money as a loving guide and friend.  As you dance, you will not only heal the deep wounds holding you back, you will begin to live with a sense joyous, wealthy wellbeing.   Your ability to receive will expand. You will be able to connect what you truly desire and fully embrace all the good that life has to offer. You will know your true worth.

Money Come Dance With Me” by Gale West, is a powerful book to support you on your journey through life. Filled with stories, practical tips, exercises and more, it is a book you will refer to over and over again. Grab it now and begin your money dance today!

about the Author

Gale West

Gale West, MA, MFA, is an influential figure in coaching, business, and leadership, renowned for her transformative approach and three decades of enriching experience. As a coach and mentor, she has distinguished herself in entrepreneurship and creative industries, offering insights into the interplay between money and personal growth. Gale’s extensive background includes teaching roles in various business institutions in China and the United States, enriching her understanding and expertise in global financial dynamics.

Her latest work, “Money, Come Dance With Me,” benchmarks her holistic and inclusive approach to financial matters, where she sees money not merely as currency but as a crucial element in shaping life’s crucial narrative. Gale’s writing is driven by a desire to enlighten and engage readers on meaningful and mindful topics, emphasizing the vital role of money in achieving personal and collective prosperity.

Domination and Greed to Collaboration and Generosity

So many religious traditions have referred to money as “the root of all evil.”  It is often blamed for most of the pain and suffering in the world.

On the other hand, the new age movement refers to money as “just energy.” How can energy be evil? How can energy cause pain and suffering? According to West, money is more than just energy. It has a consciousness. and has become stuck in an old paradigm of domination and greed. We have projected our collective pain, suffering and sorrow onto money.  Why is it money’s fault?

What if money’s pure potential was the expression of Divine love in the market place?  In West’s view it is. Thus, money aches to be an agent for good. It wants to be aligned with a new paradigm of humanity, a world that is collaborative and generous. A world where all can thrive.

As we each begin to dance with money, we create a ripple effect that becomes a river and then an ocean for our collective thriving.

To Dance with Money – As Your Partner Money’s Pure Potential – in the Gale West’s World of Consciousness

What is the actual or pure potential of money through the lens of Gale West? For this, You need to endure this grasping ride – addressing that money is the expression of love through “Money: Come Dance With Me”.

On a broader level, money can be perceived as the reflection of our collective souls, our potential and our shadow. Could it emerge as a new paradigm by opening doors for optimism while showing its pure potential? Well, Gale West responds to this by mentioning that we need to face, address, and change our social structures to allow money to locate its true potential.

about the Book

Money, Come Dance with Me, is a call to live in the joy and delight of dancing with Money as a loving guide and friend.Author, Gale West, invites the reader to consider that money’s pure potential is a dynamic, living, force field of love, connecting of peoples, cultures and marketplaces. Unfortunately, few can experience money in this way, because it’s been imprisoned in an old paradigm of domination and greed. As result, money has been wounded as much as money has wounded us.How can we free ourselves and money from these wounds? Be willing to address our own money stories. Reconnect to our divinity as conscious co-creators with Divine Source. Embrace joyous wealth as way living that is more than just money in the bank. And invite money to be a partner in the dance of your life.Filled with stories and simple practical steps, Money Come Dance with Me guides the reader on a powerful journey of transformation. “With her book, Money, Come Dance with Me, Gale West gives us all a gift that will keep giving for a lifetime! Gale goes deeper than I have ever seen on the energy of money and the idea that we are each interconnected with money in the same way we are with friends and family.

Money Come Dance With Me

Money – A Divine Source

Money is a source of love and support, as it is capable of healing the deep wounds you may be holding about yourself. For this, “Money: Come Dance With Me” reflects money as a ‘Divine Source’ – because it is a relief when you use it as a way to feel better, but it may lead you to feel trapped in something at the same time. Gale West encourages you to feel better, which is why it is your ability to develop an abiding and deep association with money.

Do you want to know how to develop this relationship with money? If you know it and do not have an idea, just grab the latest edition of the book by Gale West, “Money: Come Dance With Me”.


Richard SchwartzPhD, Creator, Internal Family Systems Model
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You have a relationship with money, whether you are aware of it or not. It is driven by your beliefs about money and will strongly influence how money treats you. Gale West has spent decades exploring this territory, developing practices to help unload the burdensome ideas that keep money from becoming the lubricant it should be to manifest your sacred vision
Amy Weintraub
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I learned about myself
In the voice of a compassionate friend and wise coach, Gale West guides us into a relationship of ease with money. I found myself questioning and releasing the limiting stories of my childhood. An unconscious fear became conscious, and I could free myself from its grip. From her many years of teaching and coaching, West has written a book that may give you that deep exhale as you consider that money may not be “the root of all evil.” Instead, from a change in your point of view, it may actually become “Divine Source.” From her foundational studies with indigenous mystics and shamans she brings deep spiritual wisdom woven into the psychological insights gleaned from her training in Internal Family Systems (IFS). Each chapter offers stories and strategies to help you enjoy a healthy relationship with your finances, your business and money. The first step in transforming your relationship with money, is stepping onto the dance floor by reading this book!
Mark Hurwich
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Life Empowering Insight on Money and Wealth. And a GREAT Read.
I’m so excited this book is available! I’ve referred clients seeking a still better relationship with money to Gale's coaching for years. Finally, you can get many of those benefits through her book. Money Come Dance with Me will give you a connection to money that’s unique and amazing. Wouldn’t it be great to relate with money as a guide and friend? In fact, you'll actually learn to "talk" with money, so you can interact with it directly. You'll also learn to connect more effectively with your true desires, growing both wealth and spiritual insight. (No, this book won't teach you how to balance your checkbook. But it can enable you to have a larger balance, and feel better about how you fill and spend that bank account.) This is not just a book for those struggling financially--although it will help those folks too. I'd done well, but realized that while I had a good relationship with money, it was a bit like how I'd related to my first grade teacher: Loved her, felt well served by her, but we weren't connected the way I would have as an adult. Gale's work taught me to connect to my own money guide, who shows up for me as a green Betty Boop. So now, my relationship with money has WAY more fun and flexibility in it, lots of humor, and is very relaxed. As a result, I found I'm enjoying experimenting and playing with how I make money more. Better still, though, I'm accumulating more wealth even as I'm giving away way more money, doing more impact investing and working less. Hard to beat! Finally Gale’s book is a page-turner filled with great stories and easy practices. You'll probably want to read it at least twice: once to allow this new mindset to take root. And a second time to work the practices. Enjoy!
Susan Collins
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I learned something about money
Like many people I grew up hearing that “money is the root of all evil” and that even talking about money was taboo. Over the years I’ve learned to think of money as my friend, but until reading Gale’s book I didn’t know that I could develop a conscious relationship with money and “dance" with it in the way Gale describes! I appreciate the personal stories Gale has shared. This is not a dry economics textbook, rather it is a spirited exploration of our relationship with money laid out in a way that is easy to read with insights on every page. I recommend this book to anyone who has ever wondered how to experience more joy in their lives.
Ranz Kafka
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This one hits different.
I have read many books about money mindset - this one is special. It is systemic. It works with parts. It sees money as an entity. It guides you through your process. Amazing job, thank you, Gale! 🙂